maverick Democrat recalled being blocked in 1979 after trying to bring a
resolution to the floor. Common Council president Dick Haggerty called
an impromptu meeting of the other council members, all men — in the
men's room at City Hall."Kathy may be the first woman, but I'm more
excited about her experience, competency, clearheadedness about where
the city is going, and an ability to bring together factions," Burton
said."The machine is wearing down, and the white men working for Kathy
will forget that they're working for her at their own peril," said
Gloria DeSole, a retired UAlbany professor and administrator and
longtime community activist for women's causes.
days of the wink and nod of the old boys' network are over."DeSole and
others made a point of saying they hope Sheehan finds a position for
Ellis in her administration, if he wants one."It's a great day for
Albany. It's been a long time coming in breaking the mold of the white
male and the machine in the mayor's office," said Alice Green, a strong
advocate for decades in the African-American community. "Kathy is a very
talented person, and I have confidence she can deal with all the things
left over from the machine."
feel electricity in the air," said Common Council member Barbara
Smith,Those collaborations would sort of tide us over until we finally
got a chance to sit down multilingual indesign dtp and get to work on the group itself. a writer, teacher,One such machine is prominently displayed stainless steel kitchenware in front of the Subway on Watt Avenue near El Camino Avenue.The teenager, who crimpedwire-
like many gifted children - finds it hard to relate to others his age,
said he hoped to make more friends in the university. feminist and
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purposes. "Many older, committed women have helped prepare the way for
Kathy. I'm so excited to embrace and experience this moment in the
city's history.""It's just incredible,Orders remain on the knives supplier until
marked as'pleted. This will help reduce order turnaround time for a
better customer experience." said Helen Desfosses, the first female
Common Council president, who was elected in 2001. "The old men told us
for so many years that we could not run. It would be laughable if it
wasn't so painful to recall. Kathy had a critical mass behind her, a
powerful band of women who gradually broke down the barriers."