If you have a small room, you can go for narrow laminate flooring that generally comes in widths of 2 inches. This type of flooring visually enhances the size of a room, making it look relatively bigger.While buying composite laminate for flooring purpose, consider buying contrasting colors of the same laminate flooring. Go for a deep brown board for a darker floor, contrasting with a chestnut brown board.
In case of lighter floors, you can use a golden oak, contrasted with a lighter pine. Contrasting colors infuse texture and visual appeal to a room. On the other hand, wide laminate flooring is found to be perfect for larger rooms.This is done by using boards of at least 3 inches in width. These wider boards emphasize the open and airy feel of a larger space. As these boards are wide, you will need fewer of them, which will result in time and cost saving.
Laminate is undoubtedly the best material available for flooring purpose. Laminates come in different varieties such as decorative laminates, composite laminate, and high pressure laminate etc. Come and explore something new in your home with laminate flooring ideas.The best thing about laminate flooring is that it gives the appearance of hardwood without the cost or installation issues involved with hardwood flooring.