
Staticworx Flooring Named to the 2012

According to Staticworx founder and CEO Dave Long, as electronic devices decrease in size their circuit requirements increase (indicated by Moore's Law) greatly increasing the vulnerability of electronics to damage from electrostatic discharge. The broad-scale recognition of this phenomenon has been a driving force in the company's growth.

"We no longer need to tell designers and architects why static-free flooring is mandatory in critical environments like data centers, server rooms, R&D labs, and electronics manufacturing," Long says. Instead, Staticworx helps clients determine which type of flooring offers the best performance without exposing personnel to unnecessary risks.

Three years ago Long noticed most architectural specifications referenced incorrect electrical standards and outdated test methods; as a result, specifications are often written incorrectly, inadvertently putting people at risk. To help solve this problem, Staticworx focused on client education, developing their Staticworx YouTube channel and AIA lunch and learn programs to teach architects about electrostatic test methods, grounding standards, and best practice specification writing.

