
Global flooring price increases

Global flooring price increases

Price increases for raw materials have resulted in companies across the globe putting on prices of the flooring they manufacture and supply.It has previously been reported that Nepalese carpet manufacturers would be struggling to compete with imported carpets once they were forced to put prices up.Now it has affected the western market with a leading commercial flooring manufacturer raising prices to keep up with the increased price of raw materials.

Armstrong blamed the continued pricing increases over the past 18 months for forcing the company in to raising their prices.The price increase will be between 4% and 6% and will be applied with America and Canada to several product ranges, including their luxury vinyl tile and laminate floors.Higher prices are expected to stay in place throughout the next year at least, starting from shipments beginning in mid-January.

The firm said that these price increases had been anticipated for several months now as the cost of raw materials was proving to high to keep up with.Of course these price increases are likely to have a substantially smaller impact for the large company as it would independent carpet manufacturers in countries like Nepal.It is also a worrying, but anticipated, sign for the worldwide flooring industry that the cost of raw materials can no longer be absorbed by current prices for all flooring types.

