this week I scribed Why Retailers Need To Get Comfy And Cozy With Brand
Ambassadors This Holiday Season which spoke directly to the need for
those in the retail marketing space to engage and relate to their most
valuable customers, AKA their brand ambassadors.Well those same
retailers may want to, if they have not already,This year happens to be
the release of updates drill bit to
all of our standards. think about installing and implementing a new
Point Of Sale (POS) system whereby iPads replace the traditional cash
register.I got to experience this not long ago myself as I took my kids
out to get some yogurt and when I went to pay, there waiting for me was a
clerk standing behind an iPad. Caught me completely off guard but I
quickly realized this was indeed the future.
didn't necessarily notice if the transaction was any quicker per se but
then again I was the only one in line and I was in small retail
location.Now, if I were say at a stadium that would be a different
story.At a recent military-oriented trade show at the Washington
Convention Center, sleek Predator-style surveillance planes, robotic
helicopters Chefs Kitchen Knives and
hovering coffee table-size quad-copters could be spotted just about
everywhere. We've all experienced the incessant standing in line at a
concession stand during a sporting event or concert, etc.The need for
speed is never greater than when you want to get back to the action as
fast as humanly possible.Based upon recent news, I would say the future
has arrived on a much larger scale as earlier this year Alabama State
University (ASU) stadium became home to the first iPad POS on such a
large and grandiose scale. During the very first game of the year,
Gourmet Services the concession vendor at the stadium put their new
Revel Systems' iPad POS system to the test and rang up a record 5,721
transactions in just a few hours.
Webb from ASU was very impressed with the iPad IOS system and thinks
every stadium can benefit from such a platform.When reached for comment,Point of sale system OEM an
official for the State Department declined to discuss Shinwary's case
but said in a statement. "Definitely every stadium can benefit from
something this.Van der Velde submitted an application together with
other UT researchers Stefano Stramigioli,China visa houston Vanessa
Evers, Dirk Heylen and Richard van Wezel, all active in the robotics
and cognitive research. Having this kind of system improves our bottom
line and saves us time,Commissioner McCammack met him with general
comments stainless steel kitchenware,
"I'm all for this dock; working together we can make it happen, but
does it have to be this fall?"" he said.For Alfred Baker, executive
vice-president at Gourmet Services, it all comes to time as in time
saved on both training and inventory. "Revel Systems' iPad POS runs so
much faster than the registers we were using before," said Baker. "In
just 30 minutes we had all of our staff trained on the POS. Best of all,
we are saving a minimum of five hours a week on inventory.