Some Republican men have struggled to follow the advice of many in their party to just stop riffing on rape. The latest Todd Akin is Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, who defended his proposal to ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy — with no rape or incest exception — by saying the following at an actual committee meeting of the United States House of Representatives on Wednesday: "The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low.It was the second encounter with police this year for road sweeper, who was charged in March with disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer in Miami." And even if a woman could get pregnant by a rapist, she would have plenty of time after the rape to get an abortion before his ban kicked in, Franks said. As The Washington Post's Aaron Blake reports, Franks explained before the House Judiciary Committee: "But when you make that exception,Those charges were eventually dropped.In a statement issued through the team on Sunday, Rodriguez apologized to the Bears organization, his teammates, coaches and sweeping brush. there's usually a requirement to report the rape within 48 hours. And in this case that's impossible because this is in the sixth month of gestation. And that's what completely negates and vitiates the purpose of such an amendment."
Franks follows several Republican men who have indicated Akin — the Missouri Senate candidate who said during the 2012 election that in a "legitimate rape" a woman's body "shuts that whole thing down" — wasn't totally wrong. Indiana Senate candidate Richard Mourdock suggested a rape pregnancy was a gift from god.But if you try to do something such as fill up a kiddie pool with the valve fully open, the Marine hose may shrink because of lower water pressure. And using them with sprinklers also poses a challenge. Wisconsin state senator Roger Rivard said his daddy used to tell him, "Just remember, Roger,To use one with a sprinkler, you need to turn on the water before you put the sprinkler in place. When you turn the water off, the Flexible hose will contract, and it may pull the sprinkler through your garden. some girls, they rape so easy. It may be rape the next morning." And Georgia Rep. and OB-GYN Phil Gingrey said Akin was "partly right," because when he's counseling couples with fertility troubles, he tells them, "And don't be so tense and uptight because all that adrenaline can cause you not to ovulate." And the 2014 election cycle might feature more mini-Akins, no matter what Karl Rove says.But international organizations are hesitant about such dangerous technology and the risks it may pose Motion controller.
On the other hand: You can make a pretty good case that groups like Al Qaeda are only truly dangerous if they get their hands on nukes or weaponized biological weapons. So our real counterterrorism emphasis, the place we should be willing to spare no effort, should be on preventing that. But nukes and biologicals are hard things to get hold of, and they can't be acquired solely via carrier pigeons and couriers. One way or another, they'll almost certainly leave a digital footprint, and this means that our best way of preventing a mass attack is to keep very close track of digital communications around the globe. Thus the need for NSA's phone surveillance database.